
T&Cs Apply
活動規則 為了確保活動的公平和透明,本次活動規則如下: 參加者需在指定賽事下注,下注金額需為1888元起。 單一賠率須高於6.88倍方可計算進入獎金。 每項賽事的下注都需要在比賽開始前完成。 獎金會在活動結束後七日內發放。 活動期間內,若發現作弊行為,將會立即取消參加資格。
T&Cs Apply
活動詳情 活動時間:每天18:00至23:59 活動對象:所有GAMEONE會員
Bonus Code
Valid Until: 9 月 22, 2024
T&Cs Apply
Bonus Code
Valid Until: 12 月 31, 2029
T&Cs Apply
申請方式: 新會員在成功註冊並首次存款後,可於當天在活動頁面點選申請,審核通過後,彩金將於24小時內自動派送至遊戲賬戶。 取款要求: 所獲彩金 必须在遊戲中達到“本金+彩金”共計18倍的流水後才能提取。 限制條款: 每位會員使用相同的手機號、銀行卡號、姓名、IP等信息綁定的遊戲賬號僅可申請一次;如發現違規情況,該會員將不享有此次紅利。 最終解釋權: 實發體育保留對活動的最終解釋權,並能在未充分通知的情況下對活動細節進行修改或取消。
*New users only
Bonus Code
Valid Until: 12 月 31, 2025
T&Cs Apply
所有獎金及獎勵均需受樂古娛樂的最終解釋權。 活動期間如有作弊行為,樂古娛樂有權取消其獎金資格。 參與活動的玩家需遵守本網站的所有條款及條例。
*New users only
Bonus Code
Valid Until: 12 月 31, 2025
FUNGAME 娛樂城推出了年度盛大獎金活動,涵蓋首存紅利、周周返水和幸運轉盤,獎勵豐厚,機會難得。
T&Cs Apply
*New users only
Bonus Code
Valid Until: 12 月 31, 2025
100% match bonus based on first deposit of £/$/€20+. Additional bonuses.
T&Cs Apply
New players only. Welcome Bonus - 100% bonus on your first deposit up to €/$/£200 Unless otherwise stated. This bonus only applies for deposits of €/$/£10 or higher! All you need to do is just deposit the money in your account and you will receive this bonus instantly!
*New users only
100% match bonus based on first deposit of £/$/€20+. Additional bonuses.
T&Cs Apply
New players only. Welcome Bonus - 100% bonus on your first deposit up to €/$/£200 Unless otherwise stated. This bonus only applies for deposits of €/$/£10 or higher! All you need to do is just deposit the money in your account and you will receive this bonus instantly!
*New users only
Bonus Code
Valid Until: 12 月 31, 2025
100% match bonus based on first deposit of £/$/€20+. Additional bonuses.
T&Cs Apply
New players only. Welcome Bonus - 100% bonus on your first deposit up to €/$/£200 Unless otherwise stated. This bonus only applies for deposits of €/$/£10 or higher! All you need to do is just deposit the money in your account and you will receive this bonus instantly!
*New users only
Bonus Code
Valid Until: 12 月 31, 2025
100% match bonus based on first deposit of £/$/€20+. Additional bonuses.
T&Cs Apply
New players only. Welcome Bonus - 100% bonus on your first deposit up to €/$/£200 Unless otherwise stated. This bonus only applies for deposits of €/$/£10 or higher! All you need to do is just deposit the money in your account and you will receive this bonus instantly!
*New users only

New Bonuses

Suspendisse interdum nisl at lacus mattis pretium. Mauris id dolor nunc. Nulla a mollis lectus, sit amet condimentum magna. Nullam sollicitudin turpis ipsum, sit amet varius tortor interdum vitae. Pellentesque fringilla nec nunc et lacinia. Donec luctus, arcu in accumsan auctor, ligula ante dictum lectus, lobortis pellentesque tellus magna quis felis. Vestibulum nec magna dolor. Duis consequat ut turpis at commodo. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed hendrerit libero eros, ut faucibus ante pulvinar in.

Aliquam et elit sollicitudin enim ultrices fringilla eu vel nulla. Donec scelerisque fermentum sem, vel feugiat massa egestas tristique. Ut semper vulputate est. Proin sodales libero ac egestas lobortis. Fusce nec lectus vitae ex ultricies egestas. Mauris vitae vulputate tortor. Fusce malesuada auctor quam, eu cursus urna placerat in. Aliquam sit amet dignissim tellus, non porta massa. Fusce rhoncus ornare dui in facilisis.